Short Communication
Main Decay Modes of Super Heavy Nuclei
Author(s): D N Poenaru
Several laboratories in the world, like GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany; JINR Dubna, Russia Nat. Livermore Lab., USA and RIKEN Japan are trying to produce super heavy (SH) nuclei with atomic numbers Z>118 using cold fusion reactions (with just one neutron-evaporation or hot fusion (with 3-4 evaporation neutrons) and 48Ca projectile beam. Until now the main decay modes of SHs, allowing identifying the new element were alpha decay (AD) and spontaneous fission (SF), with a clear advantage of using AD chains, leading to a well-known final nucleus. We would like to point out that in some cases with large atomic number Z (usually Z>120) cluster radioactivity (CR) may compete as well, opening a new opportunity in this field. In order to illustrate this new finding, we shall present the results of our calculations for the following nuclides: 297,299,300.. View More»