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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Commentary - African Journal of Food Science and Technology ( 2021) Volume 12, Issue 1

Healthy food choices are happy food choice

Meerza Aftar*
Department of Nutrition, University of Jammu, India
*Corresponding Author:
Meerza Aftar, Department of Nutrition, University of Jammu, India, Email:

, DOI: 10.37421/ajfst.2021.12.009

When it comes to eating, researchers, the medium, and strategy makers mostly focus on unhelpful aspects of eating actions, like restrict certain foods, counting calories, and dieting. Likewise, health involvement efforts, with primary prevention campaign, typically support consumers to trade off the likely enjoyment of hedonic and reassure foods aligned with health benefits. However, examine has revealed that diets and controlled eating are often counterproductive and may even improve the risk of long-term weight gain and eating disorder. A hopeful new view entails a shift from food as pure sustenance towards a more helpful and well-being centered view of human eating behavior.

Sustaining this view of “food as well-being”, recent study suggests that “healthy” food choices, such as intake more fruits and vegetables, have not only material but also mental health profit and might be a long-term venture in future well-being. Of note, prior research includes a wide series of time lags among actual eating instance and wellbeing evaluation, ranging from 24 hours to 14 days, to 24 months. The debate that well food choices such as a high fruit and vegetable eating is related with greater joy and well-being clearly contrasts with the common belief that in scrupulous high-fat, high-sugar, or high-caloric foods taste improved and make us happy while we are eating them. A wealth of explore shows that the practice of negative emotions and stress leads to increased spending in a substantial number of persons (“emotional eating”) of unhealthful food (“comfort food”). Still, this study stream focuses on disturbing eating to “smooth” unlikable experiences in comeback to stress or unhelpful mood states, and the mood-boosting effect of eating is usually not assessed.

However, both streams of study have alert on a single food group (fruit and vegetable consumption), a lone type of meal (snacking), or a single eating time (after negative/neutral mood initiation). Accordingly, it is unidentified whether the boosting effect of eating is precise to firm types of food choice and categories or whether eating has a extra general boosting effect that is clear after the spending of both “healthy” and “unhealthy” foods and across eating times. Accordingly, in the at hand study, investigations shows the mental profit of eating that different by food categories and meal types by assessing total dietary behavior across eight days in real life.

Furthermore, previous study on the crash of eating on well-being tends to rely on presentation assessment such as food regularity questionnaire and written food diaries. Such presentation self-report methods rely on the tough task of perfectly estimating average ingestion or recall person eating episodes and may lead to under-reporting food intake, mainly unhealthful food options such as snacks.

In the recent study, the eating pleasure and happiness skilled in-the-moment, in real time and in real life, using a Smartphone based EMA draw near. Specifically, well participant asked to trace each eating time, plus main meals and snacks, for eight successive days and rate how delicious their meal/snack, how greatly they enjoyed it, and how thrilled they were with their meal/snack at once after each eating event. This extreme recording of every eating event allows assess to eating behavior on the level of diverse meal types and food categories to evaluate skilled eating gladness across meals and categories.

Following the two diverse study streams, it was likely on a food category level that not only “unhealthy” foods like sweets would be linked with high skilled eating pleasure but also “healthy” food choices such as fruits and vegetables. According to earlier debate, snacking in scrupulous should be accompanied by greater pleasure.
