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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Short Communication - African Journal of Food Science and Technology ( 2023) Volume 14, Issue 12

Casazza Winkler*
Department of Architecture Dida, Centro Abita, University degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy
*Corresponding Author:
Casazza Winkler, Department of Architecture Dida, Centro Abita, University degli Studi di Firenze, Italy, Email:

, Manuscript No. AJFST-23-123475; Published: 28-Dec-2023, DOI: 10.14303//ajfst.2023.058


In a world where millions suffer from hunger and malnutrition, the staggering amount of food wasted annually stands as a paradox. Approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption—amounting to about 1.3 billion tons—is lost or wasted every year. This alarming statistic underscores a global challenge that not only affects food security but also has profound environmental, economic, and ethical implications. However, the emergence of technology-driven solutions offers hope in combating this critical issue (Castle et al., 1997).

Understanding the complexity of food waste

Food waste occurs at various stages of the supply chain, from production and processing to distribution and consumption. In developed countries, a significant portion of waste occurs at the consumer level due to factors like over-purchasing, improper storage, and arbitrary date labeling. In contrast, in developing nations, challenges often stem from inadequate infrastructure, inefficient harvesting methods, and poor storage facilities, leading to substantial losses early in the supply chain (Cooper & Tice 1995).

The consequences of food waste are multifaceted. It not only exacerbates global hunger but also places immense strain on the environment. The resources utilized in food production, including water, energy, and land, are squandered when food is wasted. Moreover, decomposing food in landfills generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change (Ferrara et al., 2001).

Technological interventions: Addressing the problem

Technology is playing a pivotal role in revolutionizing how we tackle food waste across the supply chain. From innovative tracking systems to creative solutions for surplus food redistribution, here’s how tech is making strides in addressing this global challenge:

Advanced analytics tools are being used to analyses vast amounts of data related to supply chain processes. Predictive algorithms help in forecasting demand, optimizing inventory, and reducing overproduction, thereby minimizing potential waste at various stages. Packaging technologies incorporating sensors and intelligent materials help monitor food freshness in real-time. Additionally, advancements in preservation techniques, such as modified atmosphere packaging and natural additives, extend shelf life and reduce spoilage (Hron et al., 2012).

Tech-driven platforms and mobile apps connect surplus food from restaurants, grocery stores, and events with food banks or charities. These solutions facilitate the redistribution of edible food that would otherwise go to waste, contributing to hunger alleviation efforts. Block chain technology enables transparent and immutable tracking of food from farm to table. This traceability fosters accountability, minimizes food fraud, and optimizes supply chains, reducing the likelihood of food waste (Kim & Lee 2012).

Challenges and future directions

Despite the promising advancements, challenges persist in implementing and scaling these technological solutions. Financial constraints, lack of standardized protocols, and infrastructural limitations hinder widespread adoption, especially in smaller businesses or developing regions. Additionally, behavioral changes in consumer habits and industry practices are crucial components that technology alone cannot fully address (Adebowale et al., 2005, Agnes N et al., 2012).

Looking ahead, fostering collaborations between stakeholders—governments, businesses, tech innovators, and consumers—will be instrumental in advancing food waste reduction initiatives. Policymakers can incentivize the adoption of waste-reducing technologies through supportive regulations and incentives. Similarly, consumer awareness campaigns can promote mindful consumption and responsible food handling practices (Aina et al., 2009).

The imperative of collective action

The fight against food waste necessitates a collective effort involving diverse sectors of society. Technological innovations serve as powerful tools in mitigating food waste, but their effectiveness hinges on systemic changes and widespread adoption. Encouragingly, initiatives and partnerships aimed at reducing food waste are gaining traction globally.

Moreover, the recognition of food waste as a pressing issue on international platforms has spurred commitments toward achieving sustainable development goals. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 12.3, specifically targeting the reduction of food waste, signifies a global commitment to addressing this issue by 2030 (Burri 2011, Defloor et al., 1995).


Food waste is a complex, multifaceted challenge that demands urgent attention and concerted efforts. Technology, with its innovative solutions and disruptive potential, offers a ray of hope in combating this issue. From leveraging data analytics to enhancing food redistribution networks, technological interventions are reshaping the landscape of food waste reduction.

However, the successful mitigation of food waste requires a comprehensive approach that combines technological innovations with policy reforms, behavioral changes, and community engagement. By harnessing the power of technology alongside collaborative action, we can pave the way toward a more sustainable, equitable, and food-secure future for generations to come.


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