Teachers�?¢�?�?��?�?� and students�?¢�?�?��?�?� perception | 17319
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Teachers�?¢�?�?��?�?� and students�?¢�?�?��?�?� perceptions of psychophysiological factors contributing to violent behaviour among public secondary school students in western province, Kenya


Moses Wesang’ula Poipoi, John O. Agak, Eric K. Kabuka

Violence is not a new phenomenon in the modern educational system. It is manifested in the form of rioting, sexual violence, fighting and bullying. The purpose of the study was to establish teachers’ and students’ perceptions of psycho-physiological factors contributing to violent behavior among public secondary school students in Western Province, Kenya. The study was based on the Social learning theory by Albert Bandura. A descriptive survey research design was adopted. The study population was composed of 638 Principals, 6,354 teachers and 65,969 form two students. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select students from 213 secondary schools. Purposive sampling technique was used to select teachers. Questionnaires and in-depth interview guide was used to collect data from the respondents. A pilot study was carried out to establish the reliability and validity of the data collection instruments. Qualitative data was transcribed and reported according to emerging themes while quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as the frequency counts, means and percentages. Inferential statistics such as a t-test statistics was applied. The findings of the study indicated that the perceived psychological factors contributing to violent behavior were: anxiety problems, ethnic violence, mental problems and fear of being punished. The perceived physiological factors included: being physically strong; being older in school; having an average appearance; being the tallest in school; and having physical disabilities. Generally, analysis of the problem revealed that students regardless of their gender and/or type of school they attended perceived causes of violence alike. Recommendations of study were that: guidance and counseling be reinforced in schools; students with mental and psychological disorders should be referred to medical doctors and psychiatrists; students should be encouraged to participate actively in co-curricular activities; and diet in schools ought to be improved in order to meet the students’ physiological needs.

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