Measurement of intellectual functioning of Nigerian youth: t | 17249
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Measurement of intellectual functioning of Nigerian youth: the predictive validity of JAMB/UME in relation to students�?¢�?�?��?�?� performance in University


D. O. Igwue and O. Adikwu

Various institutions of learning and examination bodies take part in the measurement of intellectual functioning of youths for purposes of certification and admission into higher levels. In this study, 2009 Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB)/ University Matriculation Examination (UME) scores of 222 candidates admitted to the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, (UAM), were examined in relation to their performance in the University’s Post UME Aptitude test before admission as well as their performance in a 100 level educational psychology course. The 222 students were sampled from 850 students admitted into the College of Agricultural and Science Education of the university in 2009/2010 session. The UME scores in percentage of maximum score obtainable were compared with the candidates’ scores in the university Post UME screening / aptitude test that year and their scores in a first year educational psychology course using Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient and one – way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result of the study shows a significant relationship between the candidates’ scores in the three examinations at 0.05 level of probability. A one – way analysis of variance of the means of scores indicates significant difference in the mean scores, the highest being 100 level, followed by UME and lastly Post UME mean score. It can be said from the results that UME has predictive validity for performance in university.

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