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International Research Journal of Microbiology

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Pablo Garica

Department of Microbiology, Ghent University, Spain


  • Review Article   
    Implementation of Bacteriophage in food production and processing
    Author(s): Pablo Garica*

    Despite numerous advancements in food sanitation and pathogen surveillance, foodborne illnesses continue to be a major cause of hospitalization and death worldwide. Customary antimicrobial techniques, like purification, high tension handling, light, and compound sanitizers are equipped for diminishing microbial populaces in food sources to shifting degrees, yet they additionally have significant disadvantages, for example, an enormous beginning speculation, likely harm to handling gear due to their destructive nature, and an injurious effect on organoleptic characteristics (and perhaps the healthful esteem) of food sources. Maybe above all, these sterilization systems dispense with unpredictably, counting numerous frequently useful microorganisms that are normally present in food varieties. One promising method that tends to a few of these weaknesses is bacteriophage biocontrol, a gre.. View More»
    DOI: 10.14303/2141-5463.2023.55

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