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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Short Communication - African Journal of Food Science and Technology ( 2021) Volume 0, Issue 0

Beneficial Role of Microorganisms in Food Processing

Ukom Yawovi*
Metabolic engineering Horticulture Department, University of Florida, USA
*Corresponding Author:
Ukom Yawovi, Metabolic engineering Horticulture Department, University of Florida, USA, Email:

, DOI: 10.14303/ajfst.2021.002

Food is a vital basic substance for individual that provides the nutrients for survival. Food process is that the method of constructing food from completely different raw materials through physical and chemical processes. Menage and industrial food productions area the two necessary sources of ready food. Microorganisms area unit terribly little in size. They are not visible to the optic. Microorganisms area unit gift altogether styles of environmental sources like soil, air, water, animal body and plant etc. Some of the microorganisms area unit concerned in food process and preservation in menage and industrial food production.

In Household Food Processing

Household foods area unit made by the members of the family for his or her own consumption. A number of the microorganisms like microorganism and fungi play a range of roles within the formation of menage food. For example, eubacteria, the microorganism concerned within the formation of curd from the milk and food is made by the microorganism, eubacteria bulgaricus. Saccharomyces cerevisiae could be a kind of yeast used for creating bread within the menage in addition as food process trade. Microorganisms also are accustomed prepare some ancient drinks like hot toddy. In addition to those, most typical food like dosa and lazily area unit ready from hard rice by some microorganism.

Industrial Production

Food engineering is one in all the advanced ways to enhance the standard and amount of food by exploitation microorganisms. Food engineering involves the method of planning and change the producing process of food merchandise. By food engineering, new food and high-quality biological merchandise may be ready exploitation microorganisms. Also, in industries, microorganism’s area unit accustomed preserve food and its quality. In industrial food production, microorganisms play a crucial role within the producing of a range of food substance.

1. Antibiotics area unit necessary parts of human welfare against infections and diseases. This area unit factory made in industries exploitation microorganism. For instance, antibiotic is one in all the necessary antibiotics and it's made by the microorganism, fungus genus notatum. The assembly and preservation of beverages like whisky, brandy, beer, and rum area unit done by brewer's yeast.

2. Microorganisms also are concerned within the business production of enzymes. Example: Production of enzyme.

3. Ethyl alcohol is one in all the necessary business chemicals that is made by brewer's yeast.

4. Immunological disorder agents like Cyclosporin area unit ready from the plant life, Trichoderma.

5. In food process technology, a number of the microorganisms area unit used for the preservation of packed food in addition.

Factors Affecting growth of microorganisms

To understand the uses of microorganisms within the food trade, it's imperative to know a way to use the microorganisms, as they have an inclination to react otherwise in numerous conditions and environments.

1. Removing or destroying them by trimming, washing, heating, pickling.

2. Adding chemicals like acid or alcohol or by encouraging competition to create organisms.

3. Minimizing contamination from raw or unprocessed food, people, equipment, and therefore the surroundings.

4. Minimizing microbic growth by improvement and sanitizing the instrumentation (container etc).

5. Adjusting storage hydrogen ion concentration, light-weight penetration, temperature, and different environmental factors.

6. Although every of those factors moving growth will happen singly, it would occur at the same time in nature. Once quite condition is somewhat adverse to microbic growth, their restrictive effects area unit additive.
