Tertiary Teaching of International Student: a Matter of Cult | 17397
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Tertiary Teaching of International Student: a Matter of Cultural Adaptation


Eric Chan

When international student start studying in a university in another country, they always take a time of adjustment. Starting a new page in a different country is a matter of adaptation, with some of them facing major lifestyle and cultural impacts. Educators can help them to adapt by recognising their cultural diversity and regard such differences in the pedagogical approach. For hardware, adequate supports from university and school level are essential; more appointments of international academic staff, who can share multi-cultural experience with international students, are also helpful. Then, not only educators may use wider range of international ‘real world’ examples from different countries in the teaching; but also can combine students into groups from diversified cultures and urge them to share and combine their existing own knowledge/experiences into the studies. Finally, educators have to design assessment, less on written English but more on knowledge and understanding of the concepts, and also make explicit instructions which may assist international students to complete their assignments easier.

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