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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Jomon Aliyas Paul*

Poor diets are frequently filled with food sources that are high in refined starches and added fats, experts have been debating this question for a long time. Another College of Michigan and Virginia Tech examination used the criteria from a 1988 U.S. study to establish a goal. Top health official's report that demonstrated the addictive nature of tobacco and extended it to food. According to lead researcher Ashley Gerhardt, a professor of brain science at the University of Michigan, and Alexandra DiFeliceantonio, a collaborator teacher at the Fralin Biomedical Exploration Organization at Virginia Tech, the discoveries demonstrate that intensely. There is mounting evidence that suggests there could be an addictive eating phenotype. The question of whether highly processed foods (HPFs; foods with added fats and/or refined carbohydrates) are addictive is one that is hotly contested. This debate has been hampered by the absence of objective, evidence-based standards for assessing HPFs' addictive potential.

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