Knowledge and awareness of the child�?¢�?�?��?�?�s rights a | 17420
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Knowledge and awareness of the child�?¢�?�?��?�?�s rights act among residents of a university town in Enugu State, Nigeria


Okoye, Uzoma Odera

The Federal Government of Nigeria, in 2003, adopted the Child’s Rights Act. Many state governments have followed suit. This study seeks to find out if residents of Nsukka town in Enugu state are aware of the Child’s Rights Acts and also what knowledge they have about the Act. 294 residents of Nsukka town were chosen for the study using systematic and simple random sampling. Findings show that only about 32% of respondents are aware of the existence of Child’s Rights Act while 19% have knowledge of the contents of the Act. Also there appears to be a relationship between marital status and knowledge of the contents of the Act; level of education and awareness of the Act. One major implication of the findings is the need for more public enlightenment about the Act since findings indicate that residents of Nsukka town are neither aware of the existence nor the contents of the Act. There is need for policy makers to lay emphasis on educating the people so that the aim of enacting the Act will be realised. Social workers can help in this sensitization because by the nature of their training they are well equipped to do so.

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