Kamile AkgÃÆül
Through the ongoing process of growth, ability inherent in the mankind, the human being has demonstrated the will to multiply and be integrated with the tendency to overcome oneself throughout the course of life. Instead of the attempts for fictional models, this process has directly made the ways for emulation of the Western model more attractive, but the possibility of tension that might arise between the existing cultural values and the Western values has been overseen. The changes that have been imposed regardless of spontaneity have also brought together several contrasts. Having witnessed the transformation in dance thanks to its cultural diversity gained through its geographical priority, Istanbul has encouraged the attempts for Westernization throughout the historical process, both embracing the minority groups, and presenting them the opportunities to conserve and spread their traditions. These possibilities witnessed a transformation through their efficient involvement with the social and cultural life. Constructed in a way that could highlight its potential mission to mobilize transformation and enables to break up a probable resistance in the society, this study focuses on the changes that took place before and after the declaration of Republic during the westernization process.
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