Handling practices of folded vermicelli by small scale proce | 105473
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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Handling practices of folded vermicelli by small scale processors in Tanzania: A case of Tanga


Lucas Mbuga*, Davis Naboth Chaulaa and Jamal B. Kussagaa

This study assessed the handling and processing practices of 30 small-scale folded vermicelli processors in urban areas of Tanga City, Tanzania. The processors, found across various streets (ranging from 3.3% in Kwaminchi Street to 23.3% in Mabawa Street), exhibited diverse demographics, with 53.3% being owner-operators and 40% and 6.7% in laborer and supervisor roles, respectively. A significant portion (53.3%) had 1-3 years of experience, and 90% lacked formal training in pasta processing. Despite 73.3% possessing food manufacturing licenses, many were unfamiliar with legal requirements, lacking documentation and standardized processes, raising concerns about food safety. Raw materials were sourced locally, but 63.3% lacked storage facilities. Hygiene practices varied, with 43.3% undergoing periodic medical check-ups, and 70% using protective gear. Sun drying was the sole method employed, with 43.3% drying trays on rooftops. Packaging practices raised concerns, as 93.3% reused woven polypropylene bags, potentially impacting product quality. Only 6.7% had essential product labels. Awareness of aflatoxin and its health implications was lacking in 90% of the processors. Overall, the study highlighted gaps in awareness, training, and adherence to standards among small-scale vermicelli processors, posing potential risks to food safety and quality.

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