Factors associated with students�¢���� satisfaction | 17452
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Factors associated with students�¢���� satisfaction with their educational experiences, and their module grades: Survey findings from the United Kingdom


Walid El Ansari

This study explored the factors associated with student satisfaction with their health/social care educational encounter. It examined quantitatively three different student satisfaction indicators: extent, index, and overall satisfaction. An 18-item questionnaire was employed at a British University to examine the factors associated with students’ satisfaction with educational experiences, and their achievement in their modules. Student satisfaction and achievement were analysed in relation to nine demographic and educational variables: gender, disability, ethnicity, age bracket, academic level, mode of study, qualification aim, entry qualification and nature of module. The questionnaire exhibited high reliability. The sample reported satisfaction levels in agreement with other studies. For most variables, increase in a group's overall satisfaction was associated with increase in their academic achievement on the module and vice versa, although the differences in grades were sometimes not significant. The nature of the module, study mode and academic level were significant predictors of student satisfaction. Some student groups reported low satisfaction that might require consideration. These were younger males, with disability, of non-white ethnicity, with ‘A’ level entry qualifications, level 3 fulltime students aiming at BSc degrees and attending pre-registration modules. It is concluded that course organisation and support systems will need to attune to the needs of diverse student groups.

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