Hassan Bello and U. O. Aliyu
This study was conducted to find out the effectiven ess of the Dick and Carey Instructional Model that served as a guide to the electrical/electronics technology education teachers in designing their instructions at the Nigeria Certificate of Education (NCE) level. It is an attempt to improve the colleges’ teachers’ abil ity on how to deliver their instruction successfully. All the electricity/electronics teachers that were involved in the study were adequately oriented on how to go about u sing the model prior to the commencement of the study. The design employed was the Quasi-experiment al research, the Non- equivalent Control Group design, the instrument for data collection was Elec trical/Electronics Achievement Test (EEAT II), deve loped by the researcher. Some of the findings due to the four hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significanc e indicated that there was Significant differences be tween the mean achievement scores of the experiment al and control groups in the post-test; and this was n ot attributed to sex of the subjects (Male or Femal e) unlike in the school proprietorship (Federal or State Coll eges of Education) when post-tested. Based on these , it was further recommended that the teachers should em bark on using the guidelines proffered in the Dick and Carey Model when designing instructions. In additio n, the National Commission for Colleges of Educatio n (NCCE) should subsequently, considers introducing t he Model as standard for guiding teachers in planni ng instructional activities at N.C.E. (Tech.) level. T his is to safeguard the teachers against setting co mplicating instructional objectives, poor use of instructional strategies and biased assessment of students’ lear ning outcome, thereby resulting to low academic performa nce of the students.
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