Buddhism and marketing: The blue sky is the cover of the cof | 17823
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Buddhism and marketing: The blue sky is the cover of the coffin�?¢�?�?��?¦


K. C. Patrick Low

When one talks of the Buddha and/or even Buddhism, one seldom thinks of marketing. Well, open the door of your heart to Buddhist marketing; in this article, the practitioner-academician author taps the wisdom of Buddhism/ Buddhist philosophy and applies them to marketing with key marketing lessons and modern-day corporate social responsibility relevance. He speaks of there is need to let go and maintain some form of balance too. And he also presents the essence and inspirations of Buddhism to readers and students of marketing. More specifically, not to be treated as a proselytizing text, the paper argues approvingly, indicating a possible tipping point, of a posture where marketing (business and strategies) should not be dichotomized or treated separately from an ethical posture and attitude that includes sustainable development, ecology, spiritual values and social wellbeing. The paper can thus serve as a springboard for more thinking for a more holistic approach of marketing – if not, Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a Buddhist way.

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