Acceptance of interactive whiteboards by Italian mathematics | 17188
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Acceptance of interactive whiteboards by Italian mathematics teachers


Mauro De Vita, Lieven Verschaffel and Jan Elen

In recent years, Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) witnessed a large spread in the schools of many countries all over the world. They offer interesting opportunities to interact with digital content in a multi-person learning environment. This study investigated the acceptance of Interactive Whiteboards among mathematics teachers with IWB experience in Italian Secondary education. Five variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, ICT experience, facilitating conditions, and attitude towards use) and behavioural intention to use technology were used to build an extended Technology Acceptance Model and Structural Equation Modelling was used for parameter estimation and model testing. The model was tested using responses to a survey from more than 150 teachers who already had the opportunity to test Interactive Whiteboards. The model is found to have a reasonably good fit. Perceived usefulness and attitude towards use have a direct effect on teachers’ behavioural intention to use IWBs, whereas ICT experience, facilitating conditions and perceived ease of use affect technology acceptance indirectly.

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