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International Research Journal of Microbiology

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Targo Preston

Department of Microbiology, University of Venica, Italy


  • Mini Review   
    The microbiology of the surface microlayers of water
    Author(s): Targo Preston*

    Sea-going surface microlayers are one of kind microbial biological systems found at the air water point of interaction of all vast water bodies and are frequently alluded to as the neuston. In order to interpret the microbiology of aquatic surface microlayers in a clear way, thorough sampling is necessary, and there are a number of ways to do this. Each has distinct benefits and drawbacks that make them better or worse suited to this role. A vital component of surface microlayers is their job in controlling air-water gas trade, which manages the cost of them a focal job in worldwide biogeochemistry that is just now being completely valued. The microbial populaces in surface microlayers can affect air-water gas trade through unambiguous biogeochemical processes intervened by specific microbial gatherings, for example, methanotrophs or through more general metabolic action like the equi.. View More»
    DOI: 10.14303/2141-5463.2023.53

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