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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Perspective - African Journal of Food Science and Technology ( 2023) Volume 14, Issue 10

The art and science of sourdough bread: A comprehensive guide.

Reijo Laatikainen*
Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
*Corresponding Author:
Reijo Laatikainen, Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland, Email:

Received: 27-Sep-2023, Manuscript No. 116277; Editor assigned: 29-Sep-2023, Pre QC No. 116277; Reviewed: 06-Oct-2023, QC No. 116277; Revised: 17-Oct-2023, Manuscript No. 116277; Published: 26-Oct-2023, DOI: http:/

Sourdough bread, with its tangy flavor and distinctive texture, has been a staple in the world of baking for thousands of years. As fermented bread, it stands out not only for its taste but also for its unique baking process that blends the art of tradition with the science of microbiology. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the fascinating world of sourdough bread, exploring its history, the intricate process of making it, and the scientific principles that make it so special. The history of sourdough- Sourdough bread has ancient origins dating back to at least 3700 bc, making it one of the earliest forms of leavened bread. The discovery of wild yeast and the fermentation process was likely accidental, occurring when a mixture of flour and water was left exposed to the elements. Over time, these spontaneous fermentations were captured and cultivated, leading to the development of unique sourdough starters (Arendt et al., 2007).

In various cultures and civilizations, sourdough became a fundamental part of their diets. The ability to make bread using naturally occurring yeasts and bacteria made sourdough a reliable and essential source of nutrition. As civilizations spread and traded, so did the knowledge and techniques for sourdough bread making, leaving an indelible mark on global culinary traditions. The sourdough starter: a living culture- At the heart of sourdough bread is the starter, a living culture of wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria. The starter is a mixture of flour and water that captures and fosters the naturally occurring microbes present in the environment. These microorganisms ferment the sugars in the flour, producing carbon dioxide gas and organic acids, which leaven and flavor the bread. Creating a sourdough starter involves a simple but crucial process. Mixing flour and water and allowing it to sit at room temperature initiates natural fermentation. Over the course of several days to a week, the mixture is regularly fed with fresh flour and water to encourage microbial growth and create a stable, active starter (De et al., 2017).

The fermentation process: a dance of microbes- Sourdough fermentation is a dance between yeast and lactic acid bacteria, each playing a vital role in the development of flavor, structure, and texture. Yeast fermentation:- Yeasts, particularly strains of saccharomyces cerevisiae, are responsible for the production of carbon dioxide during fermentation. This gas gets trapped in the dough, causing it to rise and creating the characteristic airy structure of sourdough bread. Yeast also contributes to the unique flavor profile of sourdough. Lactic acid bacteria fermentation: Lactic acid bacteria, including species like lactobacillus and pediococcus, produce lactic acid as they consume sugars in the dough. This acidification gives sourdough its tangy taste and acts as a natural preservative. Lactic acid bacteria also enhance the dough's extensibility and moisture retention, contributing to the bread's texture (Gänzle et al., 2023).

The baking process: transforming dough into bread- Once the sourdough dough has undergone sufficient fermentation, it's time for the baking process. This process can vary depending on the desired bread type, but generally follows these steps: Preheating and shaping: The dough is shaped into the desired form, such as loaves or rounds, and placed in a preheated oven. This helps set the structure and achieve the final shape. Baking: During baking, the yeast and bacteria continue to produce carbon dioxide, causing the dough to rise further. The heat also triggers maillard reactions, giving the crust its characteristic color and flavor. Steam is often used in the initial stages of baking to create a crisp crust. Cooling: After baking, the bread is allowed to cool on a wire rack. This phase is critical for setting the crumb structure and ensuring a desirable texture. The art of sourdough: techniques and variations- The art of sourdough breadmaking involves various techniques that allow bakers to create a wide array of flavors, textures, and appearances (Laatikainen et al., 2017.

Autolyse: allowing the dough to rest after mixing flour and water, enhancing its extensibility and overall structure. Bulk fermentation: allowing the dough to ferment as a single, large mass before shaping, encouraging even distribution of yeast and bacteria. Cold fermentation: retarding the fermentation process by placing the dough in the refrigerator, resulting in a more pronounced sour flavor and a better texture. Different flour types: experimenting with various flours, such as whole wheat, rye, or spelt, to achieve unique flavors and textures in the final loaf. The science of sourdough: a microbial symphony- While sourdough is an ancient craft, modern science has shed light on the intricate microbial dynamics that occur during the fermentation process. Advances in microbiology and biochemistry have deepened our understanding of the specific yeast and bacteria strains responsible for sourdough's flavor, as well as their metabolic processes. Research continues to uncover new details about the enzymes involved in fermentation, the impact of environmental factors on microbial activity, and the potential health benefits associated with consuming sourdough bread. Sourdough bread is more than just a delicious and versatile staple—it's a testament to the fascinating interplay between microbial life and human ingenuity (Moroni et al., 2009).


Arendt EK, Ryan LA, Dal Bello F (2007). Impact of sourdough on the texture of bread. Food Micro. 24: 165-174.

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De Vuyst L, Van Kerrebroeck S, Leroy F (2017). Microbial ecology and process technology of sourdough fermentation. Adv Appl Microbiol. 100: 49-160.

Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

Gänzle MG, Qiao N, Bechtner J (2023). The quest for the perfect loaf of sourdough bread continues: Novel developments for selection of sourdough starter cultures. Int J Food Microbiol. 110421.

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Laatikainen R, Koskenpato J, Hongisto SM, Loponen J, Poussa T, et al (2017). Pilot study: Comparison of sourdough wheat bread and yeast-fermented wheat bread in individuals with wheat sensitivity and irritable bowel syndrome. Nutrients. 9: 1215.

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Moroni AV, Dal Bello F, Arendt EK (2009). Sourdough in gluten-free bread-making: An ancient technology to solve a novel issue?. Food microbiol. 26: 676-684.

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