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Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology

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Expert Review - Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology ( 2023) Volume 12, Issue 3

The Adverse Effects of Solar Eclipses on the Environment and Human Health

Vander man Stephen*
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iowa Flood Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
*Corresponding Author:
Vander man Stephen, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iowa Flood Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA, Email:

Received: 01-May-2023, Manuscript No. JREST-23-98549; Editor assigned: 06-May-2023, Pre QC No. JREST-23-98549; Reviewed: 17-May-2023, QC No. JREST-23-98549; Revised: 22-May-2023, Manuscript No. JREST-23-98549; Published: 31-May-2023, DOI: 14303/2315-5698.2023.27


Solar eclipses are a fascinating and rare celestial event that can be both beautiful and awe-inspiring. However, they can also have adverse effects on both the environment and human health. The sudden drop in temperature, changes in wind patterns, and impacts on plant and animal behavior are some of the effects that solar eclipses can have on the environment. Pregnant women should take precautions to protect their eyes during a solar eclipse, as looking directly at the Sun can cause severe damage to the eyes and even blindness. While solar eclipses do not pose any significant risks to the health of pregnant women or their unborn babies, it is important to stay safe and take necessary precautions during an eclipse.


Solar eclipse, Adverse effects, Environment, Temperature, Wind patterns, Plant behavior, Animal behavior, Pregnant women, Eye protection, Safety


Solar eclipses are one of the most fascinating and aweinspiring natural events that can be observed from Earth (Albert Mathieu et al., 2007) (Anspach Renee R et al., 1988). The spectacle of the Moon passing in front of the Sun, blocking its light and casting a shadow across the Earth, has captured the imaginations of people for thousands of years. However, solar eclipses are not just a stunning visual display - they can also have both positive and negative effects on the environment and human health. In this article, we will explore the adverse effects of solar eclipses, including changes in temperature, wind patterns, and impacts on plant and animal behavior. Additionally, we will discuss the potential risks for pregnant women during a solar eclipse and the necessary precautions that should be taken to protect their eyes and ensure their safety (Bassett Andrew Mark et al., 2018) (Beagan Brenda L et al., 2000). By understanding the potential effects of solar eclipses, we can better appreciate and prepare for this incredible natural phenomenon. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, blocking out the Sun's light and creating a shadow on the Earth's surface. This shadow, known as the umbra, is the darkest part of the eclipse and lasts for only a few minutes.


One of the adverse effects of a solar eclipse is the sudden change in temperature. As the Sun's light is blocked, the temperature can drop significantly, and this can cause a sudden drop in temperature. This change in temperature can be particularly dangerous for people who are not dressed appropriately or are not prepared for the sudden drop in temperature. Another adverse effect of a solar eclipse is the impact on animals (Bell Ann V et al., 2007). Some animals, particularly birds and insects, are known to be affected by the sudden darkness and may become disoriented. This can lead to changes in behavior, including altered feeding patterns or migration. Additionally, a solar eclipse can have a significant impact on the environment. The sudden drop in temperature and light can affect plant growth and photosynthesis, and this can have a ripple effect on the food chain. This disruption can lead to a decrease in crop yields, which can impact food production and lead to food shortages (Betancourt Joseph R et al., 2006) (Bleakley Alan et al, 2008).One of the most significant adverse effects of a solar eclipse is the impact on human health. Looking directly at the Sun during an eclipse can cause severe damage to the eyes and even blindness. The only safe way to view a solar eclipse is through special solar filters or by using indirect viewing methods, such as pinhole cameras. Moreover, some people may experience psychological effects during a solar eclipse, including anxiety or fear. In some cultures, a solar eclipse is seen as a sign of impending doom, and this can lead to panic or even hysteria, while a solar eclipse can be an incredible and awe-inspiring event, it is essential to be aware of its potential adverse effects (Bleakley Alan et al, 2008). From sudden changes in temperature to impact on animals and the environment, it is crucial to take precautions and be prepared for the event. Additionally, it is crucial to protect your eyes during a solar eclipse and avoid looking directly at the Sun to prevent severe damage or even blindness.

Effects of Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipses can have an impact on the environment. During a solar eclipse, the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface is significantly reduced. This reduction in sunlight can have various effects on the environment, including changes in temperature, changes in wind patterns, and impacts on plant and animal behavior (Bochatay Naïke et al., 2020) (Braun Lundy et al., 2017). One of the most noticeable effects of a solar eclipse on the environment is the sudden drop in temperature. As the Moon blocks the Sun's light, the temperature in the area where the eclipse is visible can drop by several degrees Celsius. This temperature drop can affect plant growth, particularly in areas where the eclipse lasts for a more extended period, such as a total solar eclipse.

In addition to changes in temperature, solar eclipses can also cause changes in wind patterns. The sudden reduction in sunlight can affect the heating and cooling of the Earth's surface, which can lead to changes in atmospheric pressure and wind patterns. These changes in wind patterns can impact weather conditions in the areas where the eclipse is visible. Solar eclipses can also have an impact on animal behavior. Some animals, particularly birds and insects, rely on sunlight for navigation and may become disoriented during a solar eclipse. This disorientation can lead to changes in behavior, including altered feeding patterns or migration. Finally, the reduction in sunlight during a solar eclipse can also affect plant growth and photosynthesis. Plants rely on sunlight to produce energy, and a sudden reduction in sunlight can affect their growth and development. This disruption can lead to a decrease in crop yields, which can impact food production and lead to food shortages. Overall, while the environmental impacts of a solar eclipse are relatively short-lived, they can have a ripple effect on the ecosystem, affecting plant and animal behavior, weather patterns, and crop yields.

It is generally believed that a solar eclipse does not pose any significant risks to the health of pregnant women or their unborn babies. However, pregnant women should take precautions to protect their eyes during a solar eclipse. Looking directly at the Sun during an eclipse can cause severe damage to the eyes and even blindness. This is because the Sun's UV rays can cause damage to the retina, the part of the eye that receives and processes light. This damage can occur even if the Sun is only partially covered by the Moon. To protect their eyes during a solar eclipse, pregnant women should use special solar filters or indirect viewing methods, such as pinhole cameras. It is also important to avoid looking at the Sun through regular sunglasses or any other makeshift filters, as these may not provide adequate protection. In addition to protecting their eyes, pregnant women should also take care to stay hydrated and avoid prolonged exposure to the Sun during a solar eclipse. The sudden drop in temperature during an eclipse can also increase the risk of hypothermia, so it is important to dress appropriately and stay warm. In summary, while there is no evidence to suggest that solar eclipses have any direct impact on the health of pregnant women or their unborn babies, it is crucial for pregnant women to take precautions to protect their eyes and stay safe during a solar eclipse.


Solar eclipses are a captivating and incredible natural phenomenon that can have both positive and negative effects on the environment and human health. While the adverse effects of solar eclipses, such as changes in temperature, wind patterns, and impacts on plant and animal behavior, are relatively short-lived, they can have a significant impact on ecosystems and food production. Additionally, pregnant women must take precautions to protect their eyes during a solar eclipse, as looking directly at the Sun can cause severe damage to the eyes and even blindness. By understanding the potential effects of solar eclipses and taking necessary precautions, we can safely and responsibly appreciate the beauty and wonder of this remarkable celestial event.






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