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Educational Research

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Case Study - Educational Research ( 2023) Volume 14, Issue 3

Competency Education and Reform in College Music Education: Exploring the Role of Music Education in Teacher Universities

Pooja Patel*
Department of AI and Machine Learning, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune 412115, Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author:
Pooja Patel, Department of AI and Machine Learning, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune 412115, Maharashtra, India, Email:

Received: 01-May-2023, Manuscript No. ER-23-99533; Editor assigned: 03-May-2023, Pre QC No. ER-23-99533; Reviewed: 17-May-2023, QC No. ER-23-99533; Revised: 22-May-2023, Manuscript No. ER-23-99533; Published: 29-May-2023, DOI: 10.14303/2141-5161.2023.262


Competency education has become increasingly important in music education within teachers' colleges in the modern era. This essay thoroughly investigates the evolution of college music education and the reform of music education at teachers' universities, focusing on the concept of competency education. The essay emphasizes the significant role of music education in fostering competence, with aesthetics at its core. It also examines how music education contributes to the development of students' overall abilities in college. This study evaluates the reform process and the current state of the music education curriculum system in teachers' universities, considering these factors along with the trends in modern music curriculum reform, and proposes various reform strategies.


Competency education, Music education, Teachers' colleges, Teacher education programs


Music education in teachers' universities plays a vital role in competency education and is undergoing continuous reform and improvement. Music reform has become an integral and innovative aspect of education reform. Despite the rapid development of music education in universities, there are still notable challenges (Albert Mathieu et al., 2007) (Anspach Renee R et l., 1988). The goals of music education in universities often lack clarity, resulting in a deviation from its intended function, which directly affects the effective implementation of music teaching. Additionally, the content of music instruction is often limited, instructional facilities are inadequate, and the purpose of instruction is unclear, further hindering the progress of music education. Furthermore, the research introduces a model for assessing the effectiveness of music instruction using Neural Network (NN) techniques. MATLAB is employed for empirical research to validate the reliability of this method. Experimental findings indicate that this algorithm achieves an evaluation accuracy of 96.11%, which is approximately 13% higher than that of the conventional NN technique. These outcomes demonstrate the precision and dependability of the proposed methodology. The intention of this study is to provide a reference for advancing collegiate music education, as well as promoting reform and innovation in music teacher education programs(Bassett Andrew Mark et al., 2018) (Beagan Brenda L et al., 2000).


Considering the current needs of basic music education, particularly the implementation of competency education, there exists a significant gap in the diversity of professional skills and the comprehensive ability structure of music majors in teachers' universities (Bell Ann V et al., 2014). The synergetic theory of music education and competency education aims to maximize the unique aesthetic function of music education by coordinating, cooperating, integrating, and complementing each subsystem of the competency education system. This optimization enhances the overall function of the competency education system. Strengthening music competency education in universities is beneficial for enhancing college students' aesthetic experience, stimulating their perceptual and cognitive abilities, and fostering their imagination, expressiveness, and creativity, thereby improving their overall quality .In light of these realities, universities should actively reform music education, prioritize competency education to enhance students' general abilities, and cultivate proficient music educators who can adapt to contemporary basic education. This dissertation comprehensively analyses the growth of college music education and the reform of music education in teachers' universities based on the concept of competency education (Betancourt Joseph R et al., 2006) (Bleakley Alan et al., 2008).

Assessing classroom quality is a crucial aspect of instructional management. The content of instructional assessment in universities can be presented through an assessment index system . This system helps school leaders and managers understand the degree of instructional objective achievement, comprehensively and accurately assess the teaching situation, and improve instructional quality. Since the development of instructional assessment in universities, many institutions have implemented assessment practices based on their specific circumstances. As a result, instructional assessment in universities has garnered significant attention from scholars and society at large (Bochatay Naïke et al., 2008) (Braun Lundy et al., 2017). Teaching is a nonlinear classification problem, presenting challenges for comprehensive assessment. Neural Networks (NN), with their unique properties of nonlinear processing, adaptive learning, and high fault tolerance, have found widespread application in various assessment problems. NN offers distinct advantages in evaluating instructional levels. Building on this foundation, this study examines the fundamental theories and practices of conventional instructional assessment, as well as its characteristics and current issues. It proposes a prediction model based on Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) and integrates NN technology into the evaluation of music instructional levels, expanding upon conventional assessment methodologies. This approach effectively addresses issues with ambiguous rules. Simultaneously, a comprehensive assessment index system for the level of music instruction in universities is being developed. The primary research and work innovations of this study are as follows:

The paper introduces novel research ideas by discussing the pivotal role of music education, with aesthetics as the core, in competency education. It explores the significant contribution of music education to the cultivation of students' comprehensive abilities in college. Based on these ideas and the trends in contemporary music curriculum reform, the paper analyses the reform process and current state of the music education curriculum system in teachers' universities, while proposing reform strategies (Bell Ann V et al., 2014) (Betancourt Joseph R et al., 2006).

The study employs innovative research techniques. It presents a hierarchical optimization of the instructional level assessment index system for the classroom, based on Neural Networks (NN). This optimization involves selecting comprehensive assessment topics and creating an index system that is hierarchically optimized according to the faculties and universities where it will be implemented. Additionally, a comprehensive foundational dataset for instructional assessment has been developed through evaluations by instructional specialists, peer teachers, and students.


Competency education has emerged as a crucial component of music education in teachers' colleges in the modern era. This essay has provided a thorough investigation into the evolution of college music education and the reform of music education at teachers' universities based on the notion of competency education. It has highlighted the vital role of music education in fostering competence, with aesthetics at its core, and in developing students' all-round abilities.

The study has evaluated the reform process and the current state of the music education curriculum system in teachers' universities, taking into account the factors influencing modern music curriculum reform. Various reform avenues have been suggested to address the existing challenges and enhance the effectiveness of music education in these institutions.

Furthermore, the research has introduced a model for assessing the degree of music instruction using Neural Network (NN) techniques. The empirical findings have demonstrated the accuracy and dependability of this methodology, with the algorithm's evaluation accuracy reaching 96.11%, surpassing that of the conventional NN technique.

Overall, this study serves as a valuable reference for the advancement of collegiate music education, as well as the reform and innovation of music in teacher education programs. By emphasizing competency education and implementing comprehensive reform strategies, universities can enhance students' aesthetic experience, cognitive abilities, and overall quality while nurturing skilled music educators who are well-equipped for the demands of contemporary basic education.






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