Student and Parental Perceptions on Meeting the Educational | 16950
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Student and Parental Perceptions on Meeting the Educational Needs of the Disadvantaged Students in the Primary Schools


Mehmet Özbas

Assuring that the primary school students should get maximum benefits from their schools in accordance with their needs is an organizational obligation both for the efficiency of the administration and for the productivity education. The aim of this research is to put forth the grade about meeting the educational needs of the disadvantaged students studying in primary schools. This research is a comparative-type descriptive study in which the student and the parental perceptions were determined with a face-to-face method of interview. The field of subject includes ‘the educational needs of disadvantaged students’ and the field of examination of the research consists of 42 students and their 41 parents from the district primary schools in the central province of Erzincan who attended “The Make-up Education Programme” on the Academic Year of 2010-2011. According to the findings, the differences that are not spotted which affect the disadvantaged students negatively have caused their educational needs to stay undetermined. The results of this research have proved out that the primary schools are not able to offer adequate support for the disadvantaged students about defining the socioeconomic characteristics of their families and thus fulfilling their educational needs.

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