Reconsidering the role of school inspectors using data from | 17156
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Reconsidering the role of school inspectors using data from archival material about Greek kindergarten teachers�?¢�?�?��?�?� evaluation


Penderi Efthymia and Rekalidou Galini

The study focuses on archival material concerning school inspectors’ assessment reports for the kindergarten teachers, during the period after dictatorship, in Greece. This period was chosen because it coincided with the first attempts to modernize the institutional framework and to reconsider the objectives of preschool education. Data was analyzed using content analysis processes to record the methods, procedures, the expression of evaluation and the use of its results. The aim was to elaborate on the processes of external evaluation in Greece so as to provide some criteria to reconsider today teachers’ opposition towards evaluation and to filter the contemporary rhetoric concerning evaluation in the Greek educational system, especially with regard to kindergarten. Data showed that the evaluation process was based on intuitive criteria and the evaluative expressions were not justified on the basis of the inspection reports. Above all, the assessment reports did not reflect the teachers’ progress but their performace on a certain day. It was concluded that not only did the evaluation process hindered the professional development of the kindergarten teachers and the quality of the education in kindergarten but also it negatively influenced teachers educational and personal lives in such a way that it has affected their attitudes towards evaluation until today.

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