�?¢�?�?��?�?Nation is a non-existent notion�?¢�?�?��?: G | 17159
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�?¢�?�?��?�?Nation is a non-existent notion�?¢�?�?��?: Greek students determine the term �?¢�?�?��?�?nation�?¢�?�?��?


Paraskevi Golia, Stella Kassidou, Konstantinos Sechidis

In the current conversation about the formation of states, globalization and the multiculturalism of social structures, the notion of “nation” holds a central part. Nation has been transformed to a symbolically enriched collective morpheme, which even in extremis has been reduced to being the main structural component of the very existence of the state and obviously of the global community. The new historic speech detaches itself from dominance and law and dedicates itself to the construction of “we” through an endless contradistinction to the “others”. That way, “national” identities are being restructured from the start and it is sought to find the method in which the notion of “power” will be founded and composed ideologically. The notion of “nation” is the nest-egg for the current state structure and the filter for the social creation. Still, it remains a hazy notion and, for some, mystagogic. In our paper, we attempt to record, through the method of quantitative and qualitative analysis of content, the ways in which the young perceive the notion of nation. The thematic categories showed parameters which have to do mainly with stereotypic perceptions of the notion of nation

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