International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Plant Science

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Senthamarai Selvi V

PG and Research Department of Biochemistry, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode Tamilnadu, India


  • Research Article   
    Assessment of nutritional value and potential metal toxicity in fruit of Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg (seedless) in India
    Author(s): Savithri Kumaraswamy* and Senthamarai Selvi V

    Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg, commonly known as Breadfruit (seedless), is one of the economically important trees, which is being used for food, fodder, fuel, timber, starch as adhesives, gum, and dye for textiles, paper, cordage and medicine; however, its fruits are reported as staple food. In the present investigation the ethanolic extract of Artocarpus altilis fruit pulp (EAFP) were analysed for their proximate and mineral content in matured unripe fruit. Proximate analysis of the unripe edible fruit showed that it is rich in carbohydrate (70.81%) when compared to ash (1.45%), protein (3.10%), fat (3.34%) and fibre (9.52%). The lower moisture levels in this study are suggestive of longer shelf life for the breadfruit flours. The bread flour could replace wheat, maida, etc. for pastries and confectionary process. In this investigation, more elements contributing to .. View More»
    DOI: 10.14303/irjps.2020.004

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