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International Research Journal of Biotechnology

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Domenico De Berardis

Department of Medicine, King University, Italy


  • Review Article   
    Adverse Drug Events: Understanding Risks, Impacts, and Prevention
    Author(s): Domenico De Berardis*

    Adverse drug events (ADEs) are a significant public health concern, encompassing harm or undesirable effects caused by medications. This abstract explores the nature of ADEs, their impact on individuals and healthcare systems, and strategies for prevention. ADEs can arise from medication errors, adverse drug reactions, and drugdrug interactions, leading to hospitalizations, increased healthcare costs, and potential mortality. Prevention strategies include medication safety education, improved medication management systems, enhanced monitoring and reporting, interprofessional collaboration, and patient-centered approaches. By implementing these strategies, we can reduce the occurrence of ADEs, enhance patient safety, and alleviate the burden on healthcare systems... View More»
    DOI: 10.14303/2141-5153.2023.54

    Abstract HTML PDF
