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Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology

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Perspective - Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology ( 2024) Volume 13, Issue 1

Role of NPK Fertilizers on Soil Fertility

Lauro Filho*
Department of Microbiology, Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu, Bhutan
*Corresponding Author:
Lauro Filho, Department of Microbiology, Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu, Bhutan, Email:

Received: 11-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. JREST-24-124945; Editor assigned: 16-Jan-2024, Pre QC No. JREST-24-124945 (PQ); Reviewed: 30-Jan-2024, QC No. JREST-24-124945; Revised: 07-Feb-2024, Manuscript No. JREST-24-124945 (R); Published: 15-Feb-2024, DOI: 10.14303/2315-5698.2024.69


It is well known around the world that NPK fertilizers are essential for improving soil fertility and, in turn, the livelihood of farmers. However, other farmers believe that because soil quality has declined, farmers' livelihoods are also badly impacted by their ongoing use of fertilizers. These early findings highlight two important issues for the entire world because many market researchers believe that NPK fertilizers are good for farmers and soils alike. As a result, it is regarded as one of the key elements promoting market off-take.

With regard to the implementation of credit transfer mechanism programmers and discounts on dealer quantity purchases, direct marketing tools can be useful in managing costs and risk.


By improving policies to assist fertilizer marketing, a potential fertilizer sector may be established that will make it more competitive and encourage farmers to increase agricultural production in line with demand. Fertilizer demand can be increased by empowering farmers to increase revenue from their products at the farm level. To this end, policy makers should support capacity building programmers to improve farmers' knowledge and skills regarding the use of fertilizer, improve agriculture research programmers by funding relevant institutions and facilitate these programmed by providing the technologies that will enable farmers, industry and dealers to achieve their objectives effectively.

Thus, one of the factors that deter regularity is the imposition of high taxes and tariffs on imports of goods. It will deter business leaders from advocating for the equitable distribution of fertilizer and other input materials within a stable price range in order to sustain agricultural growth. By restricting foreign exchange, the government was directly involved in the trading of fertilizer from 1930 until the beginning of 1990. While the need for agricultural inputs, such as fertilizers, surged dramatically between 1980 and 1987, frequent efforts to support smallholder farmers by providing them with credit programmers were promoted.

Agricultural finance corporation awarded the funding. By employing the right nutrient contents for crop land fertility, policy changes can help the fertilizers sector become more efficient in distributing fertilizers within a stable price range, supporting farmers in increasing agricultural production. The agriculture policy must be changed in order to support the farmers' knowledge-gaining programmer through capacity building, investments in agricultural research and development in the area and provision of the newest technologies to help secure the land's soil fertility and increase yield. Additionally, the encouragement of regularity will push the fertilizer industry's marketing system to stabilize, as high import charges on input materials, such as high taxes, are a major factor driving up fertilizer prices.

However, by limiting the effects of global market transmission, government loan programmer and input subsidies will encourage the sector and local farmers to increase profitability under a stable market price, which will lower production costs while simultaneously raising agricultural productivity.

The declining cost of fertilizer marketing will encourage increased use in order to preserve soil fertility and boost crop yields. According to the study, increased fertilizer costs have an effect on crop productivity as well as market supply due to decreased farmer demand.

Farmers are discouraged from raising their production costs because of the volatility of commodity prices. On the other hand, in a domestic market, decreased the fertilizer prices would contribute to higher crop yields and rising fertilizer nutrient demand as a result of rising consumption volumes.

Global analysis indicates that the trend of growing fertilizer prices has an impact on crop productivity and that the demand for agricultural products has increased from its 2005 value by 60% to 100%. This increase is anticipated to continue as a result of global food insecurity.

The scientific community is thinking about boosting agricultural production by concentrating on the global population growth trend and regularly adjusting the nutrient requirement in accordance with the fertility of the land to enhance the long term condition of the soil. To overcome the region's food insecurity, farmers are discouraged from obtaining the necessary amount of fertilizer to produce healthy crops, so economic incentives will be crucial in driving agricultural productivity growth.

This is because fluctuating land and fertilizer prices can have an impact on crop yield. In America, studies conducted between 1949 and 1964 demonstrate that fertilizers are the most effective production factor when used in place of land.

However, studies conducted in 1977 showed that a 20% decline in fertilizer supplies as a result of high prices led to a 21% decline in crop area and a 4% decrease in crop production. The data indicates that crop yields are considerably impacted by rising fertilizer prices.


The agricultural community in the studied area experienced a general increase in affluence due to the improved yield resulting from the greater usage of fertilizer. Given the results of this study, it is also advised that fertilizer’s be added to agricultural soils in order to maximize crop output, close the yield gap between population growth and need and help farmers escape poverty.