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Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology

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Editorial - Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology ( 2021) Volume 10, Issue 5

Hazards to Ecosystem

Le-Cheng Zheng*
Department of Botany and Environmental Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
*Corresponding Author:
Le-Cheng Zheng, Department of Botany and Environmental Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Email:

Received: 09-Nov-2021 Published: 30-Nov-2021


The ecosystem is the structural and functional unit of ecology, wherever the living organisms act with one another in the atmosphere. In alternative words, an ecosystem could be a chain of interactions between organisms and their atmosphere. An ecosystem may be categorized into its abiotic constituents, minerals, climate, soil, water, sunlight, and non-living component, and its organic constituents, consisting of all its living members.

Ecosystem structure

The structure of the ecosystem consists of 2 major components:

Biotic elements: The organic components are all the living things. There are two main sorts of living things. They are the eukaryotes and the prokaryotes.

Abiotic elements: The abiotic components are all the non-living things, like rocks, soil, minerals, water sources, and the native atmosphere. They are essential to the expansion and metabolism of an organism.

Types of ecosystem

Terrestrial ecosystem: Terrestrial ecosystems are land-based ecosystems. There are different types of terrestrial ecosystems distributed around numerous geologic zones. They are as follows: Forest ecosystems, Biome ecosystems, Plain ecosystems, and Desert ecosystems.

Aquatic ecosystems: An aquatic ecosystem is an ecosystem in a body of water. These may be divided into two sorts, namely:

Freshwater ecosystem: Freshwater ecosystems are the aquatic ecosystems that do not contain saltwater. They are near to protectants, plankton, insects, amphibians, and fish. There are two main kinds of freshwater ecosystems: the lentic and lotic ecosystems.

Marine ecosystem: A marine ecosystem is an aquatic ecosystem that contains saltwater.

Artificial ecosystem: An ecosystem could be a manmade system. An example of a man-made ecosystem could be a vivarium.


For thousands of years, individuals have interacted with ecosystems. Several cultures developed around close ecosystems. Bison, a large grazing animal native to the Great Plains, became the foremost necessary biotic factor in many Plains Indians culture. Bison are sometimes mistakenly known as buffalo. These tribes use buffalo hides for shelter and vesture, buffalo meat for food, and buffalo horn for tools. The tall-grass grassland of the Plains supported bovid herds that tribes followed throughout the year.

As human populations have grown, people have overtaken several ecosystems. The tallgrass prairie of the Plains, as an example, became farmland. Because the ecosystem contracted, fewer bovid may survive. Today, some herds survive in protected ecosystems like Yellowstone parkland. The tropical forest ecosystems are close to the Amazon River in South America. These ecosystems support huge and spread out food webs.

Canopy ecosystems are at the top of the rainforest, where tall, skinny trees like figs grow in search of daylight. Cover ecosystems conjointly embody alternative plants, known as epiphytes that grow directly on branches. Understory ecosystems exist underneath the cover. They’re darker and more humid than canopies. Forest ecosystems support a wide variety of flowers that are fed on by insects like butterflies. Butterflies, in turn, offer food for animals like spiders in forest floor ecosystems. However, the destruction of rainforest ecosystems has its cost. Several modern medicines are developed from rainforest plants. Many scientists worry that, destroying the rain forest system could stop additional medicines from being developed.

Citation: Zheng LC. (2021) Hazards to Ecosystem. J Res Environ Sci Toxicol 10(5): pp.119-119