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Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology

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Perspective Article - Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology ( 2024) Volume 13, Issue 1

Evaluation of the Microbial Quality of Air

Xia Huang*
Department of Environmental Science, American University of Antigua, Osbourn, Antigua and Barbuda
*Corresponding Author:
Xia Huang, Department of Environmental Science, American University of Antigua, Osbourn, Antigua and Barbuda, Email:

Received: 11-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. JREST-24-124936; Editor assigned: 16-Jan-2024, Pre QC No. JREST-24-124936 (PQ); Reviewed: 30-Jan-2024, QC No. JREST-24-124936; Revised: 07-Feb-2024, Manuscript No. JREST-24-124936 (R); Published: 15-Feb-2024, DOI: 10.14303/2315-5698.2024.66


These days, the majority of human activity occurs indoors, in a confined space with complicated and varied chemical air quality. It is commonly acknowledged that indoor air quality poses a significant risk to public health in high, middle and low-income nations. Indoor air has been found to be a source of airborne diseases, in addition to being a transport for human pathogens. Numerous pathogens can develop inside, especially in favorable settings. These pathogens account for 5%-34% of indoor air pollution. Research has demonstrated the connection between microbiological pollutants and immunological responses, allergies, asthma and respiratory problems. Furthermore, human actions that introduce biological particles into the air include talking, sneezing, coughing, walking and washing. Many types of fungal spores can spread throughout a home through food, plants, flower pots, textiles, carpets, wood and furniture stuffing. They can also encourage the growth of microorganisms. Indoor air pollution has been related to the growth of microorganisms in educational facilities such libraries, research centers, classrooms and other specialized laboratories.

One of the most significant interior spaces is a laboratory, where the majority of scientists work. As a result, the laboratory's air quality should have the fewest possible microbiological contaminants. One of the key elements influencing the health, happiness and productivity of scientists is the quality of indoor air. Most airborne microbial contamination is assumed to be a result of human activity and equipment use in indoor settings. In particular, it is best to stay as far away from hazardous microorganisms in the air as possible. Microorganisms in the air quality in learning environments have an impact on students' health and in turn, their academic performance.


The identification and measurement of the airborne physio-chemical and biological contaminants are the fundamental steps in quantifying the dangers related to air pollution. For example, Hayleeyesus and Manaye used colony forming counts in eight different Jimma university libraries to assess indoor air quality. It was discovered that fungi and bacteria posed a serious threat to most libraries. In a similar vein, the microbiological air quality and its correlation with microclimatic conditions, Particulate Matter (PM) and ventilation type in public facilities in Egypt, including libraries, universities, schools, child care centers and hospitals.

Assessment of the indoor air quality at the scientific labs at Curtin university of technology in Australia, there were noticeably more contaminants and comfort factors throughout the semester than there were over the break. Analysis of fungi and bacteria shows significant variations in the density distributions at various sampling locations. Moreover, the level of microbiological contamination linked to dust and airborne particles is higher than that of air conditioning filters. The majority of the sampling sites, fungal levels were greater than bacterial concentrations. The concentration of TAMs (Total Airborne Microbes) at different air quality levels, showing a notable seasonal change in TAM concentration. According to a research bacteria are far more abundant than fungus in the air of a pork processing plant and the distribution of densities at various sampling sites varies significantly. Based on the aforementioned research, the composition of airborne microorganisms varies depending on the building, its location and micro environmental factors. Therefore, special attention should be paid to ensuring healthy indoor air quality free from diseases.

Science lab buildings are dynamic environments that are influenced by weather patterns, internal ventilation, outside microbiological load and seasonal variations in occupant count. Therefore, achieving acceptable air quality indoors is a difficulty that needs to be addressed. This reaffirms the necessity of well-planned experimental studies and reliable testing procedures in order to assess possible indoor air cleansing methods as comprehensively as feasible.

Since indoor microbial air quality has not previously been studied in science labs at Bayero university Kano, little is known about the subject. Therefore, in order to determine indoor pollution concentrations and connect them to health issues, it is essential to quantify airborne microorganisms in the case study laboratory. A thorough grasp of indoor airborne microorganisms can aid in risk assessment and prevention recommendations.

In order to determine the elements that could increase or decrease air-borne contamination, this study quantified the bacterial and fungal loads in indoor environments in order to evaluate the microbiological quality of the air in certain laboratories at the former Bayero university Kano campus.


In general, the air microbial flora density in the laboratories under investigation fell between high and very high concentrations. The majority of the laboratories under evaluation had airborne pollution ranging from high to extremely high, according to microbiological analysis. Of the 13 genera that were isolated, Penicilium (20.9%) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (34.1%) were found to be the most prevalent. As a result, they are determined to be the most common bio indicators of the laboratories under investigation. These microbes have further applications as bio indicators. A comprehensive hygiene training programmer for laboratory staff is one helpful strategy that can lessen the negative impacts of airborne microorganisms, as it helps minimize contamination from tenants. Second, maintaining the healthiest possible indoor environments necessitates managing those elements, especially temperature, which promotes microbial development and multiplication. Bayero University needs to increase the number of its laboratories in order to accommodate the needs of both present and future students.