Toxicological effect of DDT in Colpoda cucullus and its pote | 17557
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Toxicological effect of DDT in Colpoda cucullus and its potential application in forming environmental biosensor


Castro-Ortíz Lourdes Patricia, Luna-Pabello Víctor Manuel*, García-Calderón Norma, Rodríguez-Zaragoza Salvador, Flores-Hernández Jorge, Ávila Licona Arturo.

The main goal of this study was to determine the toxicological effect of DDT on the ciliate Colpoda cucullus and its potential use as a biological sensor for DDT-polluted soils. Toxicity bioassays were performed using different DDT concentrations, and an exposure time of 1 hour, with a wild strain of C. cucullus. Probit results indicate that the median lethal concentration of DDT for the C. cucullus strain is 6.68 x10–6 mol/l (M). This species does not show an observable morphological effect at a concentration of 1.41 x 10–6 M DDT, but mitochondria and nuclear membrane damage occurs at a concentration of 2.82 x 10–6 M and 5.64 x10–6 M DDT, and 100% of mortality was observed at concentrations higher than 1.12 x 10–5 M DDT. The change in membrane potential might be used as a signal receivable by a transducer; thus enabling the use of C. cucullus

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