The role of supervision in acquisition of clinical skills am | 18251
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The role of supervision in acquisition of clinical skills among nursing and midwifery students: A literature review


Muleya Mutinta Crecious, Katowa- Mukwato Patricia , Goma M. Faston

Nursing and midwifery are skill based professions. Students are expected to have acquired their professional skills on graduation and be able to offer quality care. Several factors have been seen to influence the process of acquisition of skills during clinical placement and one of them being clinical supervision. The aim of the review was to determine the role of clinical Supervision in acquisition of skills among Nursing and Midwifery Students. A search of the literature regarding supervision and acquisition of skills was undertaken using CINAHL, PubMed, Science Direct, Hinari, EBSCO Host Research, Biomed central, Cochrane Review and Google scholar databases using keywords: “clinical supervision” AND “acquisition of kills” “nursing and midwifery Students . The search was limited to English full-length research articles in peer-reviewed journals from the year 2005 to 2017 inclusive. A total of 18 articles that met the criteria were included in this review. From the search conducted using the search terms described above, it yielded several articles and abstracts (223 articles and abstracts) that were focusing on clinical supervision in general and also the supervision models. However eighteen articles that were close to the review topic and met the inclusion criteria were included in the review. From the reviewed article four themes emerged; Provides support and professional socialisation, Improves interpersonal and communication skills, Increases students’ opportunities and confidence in learning and Increases students’ reflective thinking, self-evaluation and decision making. There has been a lot of discussion concerning clinical supervision for nursing and midwifery students during clinical placement for them to learn and differing views from both the learners, clinical staff and educators. The article included in the review has highlighted several views regarding the role supervision plays in the process of acquiring skills. Although there are other factors that influence acquisition of skills, clinical supervision has an important role in helping students learn and become competent in those skills required for their professional practice. The reviewers have also come to conclusion that clinical supervision regardless of the model used still has an important role with regard to acquisition of clinical skill by students. The highlighted themes are a learning point for some countries to strengthen supervision strategies so that they yield intended outcomes for students’ learning.

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