The influence of socio-economic status of parents and ho | 17835
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Educational Research

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The influence of socio-economic status of parents and home environment on the study habits and academic achievement of students?¢???


Amarveer Singh and Dr. Jai Pal Singh ‘Vyast’

The study deals with the relationship among the aca demic achievement of students and the socio- economic status of parents in selected primary scho ols of Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh. The environment of family plays a significant role in t he educational and social development of children. The important family conditions that have significa nt role in the determination of educational achievement and social behaviour of students are th e income level of parents, the educational level of parents and the health status and also the livin g standard of family. The present study reveal that the socio-economic status of parents does not make significant effect on the educational achievement of students but the parental educationa l level health status of children has a significant role in determining the educational achievement and social adjustment of the children. Apart from these factors, the democratic environment at home a nd the availability of means of recreation play a significant role in the academic performance of stu dents at primary level.

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