The evaluation of Eskisehir Osmangazi University foreign lan | 17327
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The evaluation of Eskisehir Osmangazi University foreign languages department based on instructors�?¢�?�?��?�?� opinions


Ümit Özkanal and Ayhan G. Hakan

This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the English preparatory program based on instructors’ opinions at Eskisehir Osmangazi University Foreign Languages Department and to obtain their recommendations concerning how to improve the program. The participants of the study were 27 instructors who taught at the department in 2006-2007 academic year. In this study questionnaire technique containing Likert type questions to get some personal opinions was applied and opinions about the program were obtained via interview technique. The quantitative data was analyzed with frequency and percentage and the qualitative data was analyzed with descriptive analysis techniques. The findings of the study stated that the instructors were content with the program, the program was successful in teaching English and achieving the objectives, the evaluation process was carried out properly and the program met the needs of the students. On the other hand, the instructors also pointed out that the physical conditions of the prep school were not satisfactory and school-based in-service training programs were required for professional development.

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