Peace education: A prognosis for social reconstruction in Ni | 17455
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Peace education: A prognosis for social reconstruction in Nigeria


Olumuyiwa Adewale Noah and Simeon Adetunji Dosunmu

The increasing complexities of violence in Nigeria demands new strategies for combating the social malaise. Things have so degenerated to the extent that the ‘big men’ who should be belly-aching over how to solve the problems of Nigeria are getting themselves enmeshed in a game of bloody levity while riff-raffs, ruffians and ragamuffins are driving sane people to Golgotha with bombs. We cannot but agree that Nigeria is in dire need of the ideology of social reconstruction. The authors are of the opinion that the virility of violence in the country must be intentionally challenged. This paper submits that if national stability and strength depend on effective integration of plural traditions, schools can play significant mediatory role. In order to combat the current culture of intolerance and violence there is the need to reinvigorate social reconstruction via Peace Education Programme.

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