Maternal mortality associated with eclampsia in an Indian me | 17898
International Research Journals

Maternal mortality associated with eclampsia in an Indian medical college: a four year retrospective study


Malay Sarkar, Sanjay Basak, Sajal Kr Mondal, Sandhya Das, Dibyendu Roy Jaydeb Mandal, Suresh Ch Mondal, Sankar Kumar Das

The study was carried out to determine the incidenc e of maternal mortality associated with eclampsia, to assess the mode of death in eclampsia and to det ermine the socio demographic profile of women influencing the maternal death. It is a retrospecti ve study of 44 eclampsia related death and this stu dy was conducted in Midnapur Medical College for perio d of 4 years from 1st January 2007 through 31st December 2010. Total death during that period was 9 7. Records of death and their demographic profile were retrieved from the medical records library of the Midnapur Medical College. Eclamapsia accounted for 45.36 % of total maternal death (total death 97 ) recorded within 4 year period with case fatality rate 4.96%. Commonest mode of death in eclampsia is pulm onary oedema. Eclampsia death commonly occurs in younger age group 18-22 years and in prim i gravida and in unbooked lower socio economic status. Antepartum eclampsia contributes most of th e eclmaptic death. Eclampsia still remains the major cause of maternal mortality in India due to u nsupervised pregnancies and deliveries. There is need to educate and encourage the general public fo r antenatal care and hospital delivery by which thi s powerful enemy could be defeated.

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