Mbemmo Fotso Jacques Sylvain, Tamo Tatietse Thomas, Zineb Simeu-Abazi
In time, the pipes of distribution lose their water proofness. Water leaks become important and provoke so many damages (flood of spaces, disturbance of road traffic, and break of distribution of drinking water). In a local area of distribution of water, the recurring problems are generally owed to the leaks; the curative maintenance becomes ineffective and economically not viable. The settingup of a preventive maintenance allows reducing the leaks at the level of the channelling through real-time interventions. In this article, we are interested in the implemented of a method of real-time detection of the leaks on a drinkable water distribution system. It drives to the long-lasting management of water reserves. It is based on the following-up of the information of the sensors giving the parameters of drainage (pressure, debit) the data recorded in the various control points is permanently compared with the reference data (standard). A difference between these data indicates an anormality and informs about the state of the pipe. The data recorded with the location of the sensors establish the Geographical Information system ( SIG). Besides its classic functions of acquisition, storage, an algorithm of treatment is integrated into the SIG. it allows to diagnose and to localize the presence of water leaks on the network. The model coupling the parameters standards with the real data of the network allowing detecting the leaks is applied to the water distribution system of the region of Bonab�?�?�?©ri to Douala in Cameroon.
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