Level of implementation of infection control at Tobruk Medic | 18756
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Level of implementation of infection control at Tobruk Medical Center, basis for infection control program enhancement


Jocelyn O Ampaguey*, Noralizia Ingua, Fathia Hamad Ehrik Bougafa

Infection control has a strong commitment and with clear responsibilities for effective implementation of
standard infection control procedure, including handwashing/hand hygiene, disinfection/sterilization, personal
protective equipment, and waste management. The aim of the study is to determine the level of implementation of
infection control among nursing staff in the special area and different wards of Tobruk Medical Center in order to
generate information regarding infectious disease that can be prevented from spreading through contamination
from nursing staff to patient, patient to family, health care provider to family, and The need to understand infection
prevention practice is important for prevention and control of nosocomial infection. This study revealed that male
(3.31) nurses implement infection control at a higher level than female (3.05) nurses do. The graduates of Bachelor
of Science in nursing (3.22) implement infection control at a higher degree than the Nursing Diploma graduates
(3.13), it also revealed that hand hygiene/ handwashing (1.75) and waste disposal (2.61) had relatively lower mean
score in Medical ward, therefore there is a need to enhance the infection control activities in these two areas.
However, there are no significant differences on the level of implementation of infection control program when
Nurses are grouped according to their profile. To sustain good practices, adequate pre-service and in-service
training should be in place to equip and update health care workers specially nurses about infection prevention
precautions. The need for continuous supervision should be implemented to strengthen adherence for infection
prevention practices among Health workers along with sustainable and reliable supply.

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