Knowledge and practices of intermittent preventive treatment | 17971
International Research Journals

Knowledge and practices of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy among health workers in a southwest local government area of Nigeria


Oyedunni S. Arulogun and Catherine C. Okereke

Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in pre gnancy (IPTp) is effective in preventing malaria in pregnancy but health workers’ knowledge and complia nce with its guidelines have not been fully explored. This cross-sectional study was therefore designed to assess the level of knowledge and practice of IPTp among health workers in Ibadan Nor th Local Government Area (LGA) Nigeria. Consenting 208 health workers and purposively selec ted 122 pregnant women who accessed the antenatal services were recruited for survey and ex it interview respectively. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test whi le qualitative data was analysed by content analysis. Mean age of health workers was 27.0±7.6 years and overall mean knowledge score was 3.1±1.9 out of a maximum of 6.0 points. Only 24.5% health workers could adequately explain the concept of IPTp and 23.1% of health workers reporte dly observed pregnant women take Sulphadoxine Pyrimethamine (SP) directly. Exit interview reveale d that only 13.1% of the pregnant women reportedly were directly observed by the health wor kers while taking their SP. Knowledge was significantly associated with practice of IPTp (p<0 .05). Health education strategies such as continuin g education within the context of IPTp and supportive supervision of health workers are needed to improve compliance.

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