Duduyemi BM, Aboagye E, Yeboah FA, Titiloye NA
Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is recognized as a significant cause of morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa. This study retrospectively reviewed the socio-demographic characteristics and clinical information of HNSCC cases providing insights into the patterns of the disease within the geographical region. Methods: Information on tumor site, extent of differentiation, age and gender of HNSCC patients were retrieved consecutively from the surgical day book of the Pathology department. Additionally previous haematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue slides were reviewed to confirm the diagnosis and tumor grading. Results: A total of 301 HNSCC cases were extracted from the surgical day book with male preponderance of 72.1% and a mean age of 54.97 years. The most common site of occurrence was the oral cavity (28.9%), followed by larynx (26.2%). Majority of the cases were high grade tumors with most of the cases involving patients aged <30 years being poorly differentiated (65.7%). Conclusion: Majority of the reported cases of HNSCC were seen in males and were of moderate to poor differentiation portending worse prognosis and requiring more aggressive treatment. The pattern of HNSCC was similar to earlier reported studies recording a higher prevalence in oral cavity followed by larynx.
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