Qudratullah Muslim
Gastric cancer (GC) is the fourth most common cancer in the world. When cancer cells form in the inner lining of stomach these cells can grow into a tumor. Which called gastric cancer, the disease usually grows slowly over many years.GC is a multifactorial disease comprehending lifestyle, aging, genetic, socioeconomic factors, and also infection by Helicobacter pylori, which has been attributed in 80% of the cases and Epstein-Barr virus (present in 6-10% of cases). One of the great problems of gastric cancer is the late disease detection caused by the nonspecific symptomatology in early stages which is associated with poor prognosis. According to Lauren classification the adenocarcinoma presents in two types: type one intestinal well differentiated with cohesive neoplastic cells, forming gland-like tubular strictures: type two diffuse poorly differentiated with infiltration and thickening of the stomach wall without the formation of a discrete mass Early Symptoms on, stomach cancer may cause indigestion.
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