Prosper OU Adogu, Chiedozie I Achebe and Chika F Ubajaka
The epidemiology of influenza varies depending on l ocale. Influenza is generally associated with seaso nal (winter) epidemics in temperate region, but all year – round pattern with a rainy season peak is observed in th e tropical regions. The Nigeria Influenza Sentinel Site Surveillance is a modified form of global Influenza surveillance a nd is an all year programme. This involves search for Influenza – lik e illness (ILI) and severe acute respiratory illnes s (SARI) in some selected sentinel site hospitals. This study is par t of the National Influenza sentinel site surveilla nce as Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching hospital (NAUTH) Nnewi in Anamb ra state Southeast Nigeria is one of the sentinel s ite facilities. The few epidemiologic studies of human influenza in the country indicate that sporadic cases of influenza may occur throughout the year and that sporadic outbreaks do occur mainly during the rainy season or during time s of the year with lower environmental temperatures.
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