Effects of ergonomic practices on garment production in Mad | 17654
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Effects of ergonomic practices on garment production in Madina, Ghana


Efua Vandyck, Vivian Tackie-Ofosu, Elizabeth Ba-ama, William Senayah

The role of ergonomics in everyday occupations has generated attention lately. Consequently, in Ghana, increasing attention is focused on apparel production and ergonomics. The existence of an enabling environment for any type of work promotes efficiency of production and improves performance and well–being of the worker. A survey of 100 garment producers by use of semistructured interviews to assess tailor’s/seamstress’s knowledge about ergonomic stressors, showed a marginal ergonomic knowledge and awareness of their workplace inadequacies. An intervening education on what constituted good ergonomic practices was given and subsequently, information was gathered from respondents on perceived increase in production should ergonomic interventions (including use of ergonomically designed seating, and training in low-risk methods and postures). Findings revealed that more than half (50%) said they could produce at least twice the number of items they were producing if ergonomic conditions improved in their workshops. The study concludes an important educational role for trade organizations to assist producers to improve ergonomic practices and working conditions.

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