Effect of ferrule location on fracture resistance and failur | 17889
International Research Journals

Effect of ferrule location on fracture resistance and failure pattern of endodontically treated maxillary incisors restored with quartz fiber posts


Wala Majid Amin, Naser S. Al-Huniti, Noor I. Hasan, Dina W. Al-Nimri, Saba A. Al-Najdawi, Ushtar W Amin, Sheyar W. Amin

The contribution to fracture resistance of fiber po st restored endodontically treated maxillary inciso rs of 2 mm high coronal dentin retained at different a spects of the preparation was evaluated. 60 extracted maxillary incisors were endodontically tr eated, divided to six equal groups, 5 groups received quartz fiber posts. A 2 mm high coronal den tin ring was prepared in one group; half a ring of dentin was left either palataly, labially or proxim ally in three groups; and removed from another grou p. The sixth group, neither had posts nor coronal dent in. All teeth were restored with metal crowns and their fracture resistance was measured in compressi on at 135 degrees to its long axis until failure. Data were analyzed by two-way-ANOVA, Tukey and Chi- square tests. Coronal structures had a significantly more influence on the fracture resist ance than the root posts ( p< 0.05) . Fiber post restored teeth showed predominantly reparable failure patter ns. Coronal dentin was more efficacious in restoring endodontically treated teeth than placing root posts, because fracture resistance of the tee th is made up mainly by the ferrule effect afforded by the bracing of full crown against the retained coronal structures.

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