Sergey N. Rumyantsev
The article presents further development of new par adigm of cancer origin and epidemic spread based on the hypothesis of carcinogenic transformation of personal genomes over xenogamous crossbreeding. The newly performed updates to the p aradigm were based on multidisciplinary integrative reassessment of data about the main tra its of cancer from the viewpoint of recent all- pathological, immunological, genetic and evolutiona ry discoveries. The supplemented set of evidence allowed reveal a chain of the disease traits that c an function as milestones for the discovery of rele vant genome transformations. Cancer is considered as mul ticellular parasite of mammalian origin that lives in the afflicted bodies at the expense of substance s composed of the victim. Most important trait of cancerous cells is predestined by their constitutio nal immunity to normal regulators of cell replicati on. The immunity arose out of genome mutations which de termine constitutional interethnic differences. Over xenogamous formation of a descendant’s zygote i ts genome becomes admixed with carcinogenic genes. The cancerous cells appear in and disperse a round the descendant’s body before postnatal ontogenesis and then exist in it as smallest subpop ulations of different sizes. Subsequent growth of primordial subpopulations leads to the formation of tumors. Cyto-regulators produced by cancerous cells inhibited the functions of the host cells thu s inducing the diseased state. Cancerous components of the host genome can be transmitted into descenda nts’ zygote. The current pandemic spread of cancer is brought about growing expansion of intere thnic admixture.
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