The Cooling Mechanical Press Method was used to Create Nanop | 95652
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International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

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The Cooling Mechanical Press Method was used to Create Nanoparticles from essential to Healthy Blends


Brick Mansion*

When applying mechanical press micro fabrication to the production of micro needles, fish scale biopolymer blended with nanocellulose crystals is used. The effect of nanocellulose on micro fabrication, water absorption, moisture stability, and the mechanical properties of the micro needles is reported. The findings demonstrate that, in comparison to micro needles made solely from fish scale biopolymer, which were mouldable at 20.5 °C, micro needles made from the nanocellulose-loaded fish scale biopolymer require a micro melding temperature of 60.5 °C. Compared to fish scale biopolymer (FSBP) films, the addition of nanocellulose (NC) led to lower elongation and higher tensile stress in the fish scale biopolymer-Nano cellulose (FSBP-NC) films' mechanical properties. The FSBP films dissolved completely within one minute, indicating that the FSBP-NC films can be used to produce micro needles with a prolonged dissolution rate, while the nanocellulose also prevented the needles from dissolving and absorbed up to 300 percent and 234 percent of its own weight in water (8 percent and 12 percent w/w NC/FSBP, respectively). The NC gels and the FSBP-NC films were contrasted using FTIR spectrometry. The FTIR revealed interactions and typical peaks for fish scale polymer and nanocellulose. At NC contents of 8% and 12% w/w NC/FSBP, respectively, SEM micrographs revealed relatively good dispersion of NC in FSBP.

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