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International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics

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Denis Nyboe*

A little provocation: Heavy strength exercises with a 10-15 reps., in combination with cycling, in a period of 2-3months, after this we continues with weightbearing in frontal and saggital plane whereafter we introduces cutting movementsthis have been the mantra in rehabilitation, - because it is cheap. – But sometimes we see reinjury or people who get worse after stopping their exercises or sportscarreer. Are we able to stabilize the neck, the lumbar spine, the shoulder, knee or the ankle that last for a long time after rehab and leaving sport.

I think so. The rotation is important in human kinesis, Rotation is an important part in proprioception and reflexes. But early stabilization of rotational forces is often overseen in rehabilitation and exercising in sports.

I claim that, If the rotators are taken in consideration from the early rehab stage, the Proprioception will be stimulated faster and the risk of reinjury will be reduced. We exercise saggital and frontal plane heavily, but forgets that rotators is working close to the joint in stabilization, because the oblique orientation compress and stabilizes the joint, if they work balanced.

In the ballet world stability is important, the dancers mostly starts in early childhood. They do not lift heavy weights, they only use their selves and later on they might use pulleys in their exercises – but important is, that they perfect their moving pattern by repetition. In ballet control of rotators are important every time you are shifting direction in jumps and landings. I think that the same control is important in cutting sports as soccer, handball and basket. But rotational control exercises are neglected in early rehabilitation - this might be a problem.

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