Radiologic studies of pubic length, ischial length and ischi | 17921
International Research Journals

Radiologic studies of pubic length, ischial length and ischiopubic index of adult Kalabaris and Ikwerres of Nigeria


Oladipo G.S., Okoh P.D and Leko B

The study was carried out to determine and compare the pubic length; ischial length and ischiopubic indices of the Kalabari and Ikwerre people of Niger ia. Anteroposterior radiographs of 140 adult pelvis (age range, 18-65 years) were evaluated. Sixty (60) of the radiographs (25 males and 35 females) were those of the Kalabari people, while eighty (80) of the radiographs (30 males and 50 males) were those of the Ikwerre people of Nigeria. The morphological measurements were pubic length, ischial length and ischiopubic index. The mean values of pubic len gth, ischial length and ischiopubic index for Kalabari males were 72.2mm, 82.8mm and 87.3 respect ively while those of their females were 80.4mm, 77.3mm and 104.1 respectively. The mean values for pubic length, ischial length and ischiopubic index for Ikwerre males were 64.2mm, 74.3mm and 86.1 resp ectively while those of their females were 71.1mm, 68.8mm and 101.1 respectively. The mean pub ic length was significantly longer in females in the population (p<0.05). The mean ischial length wa s significantly higher in females than males (p<0.05). Using the radiographs, sex could be assig ned to 84% of Kalabari males, 94.2% of kalabari females, 90% of Ikwerre males and 98% of Ikwerre fe males. Comparison with other populations of the world showed that Nigerian population differed from most populations of the world previously studied .The accurate determination of sex and race are imp ortant tools to forensic Scientists and Physical Anthropologists. Thus, this study is important as i t has provided the necessary data for the Nigerian populations under investigation. The data is recomm ended to obstetricians, physical anthropologists, and forensic scientists.

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