Onotai L.O. and Nwogbo A.C
Head and neck malignancies pose a great challenge t o both the patient and the specialists due to the variability of its mode of presentation and primary tumor sites. The aim of this study is to highlight the current trends of primary head and neck tumors in P ort Harcourt. It will also compare reports from oth er centers and give emphasis to their differences. Thi s is a retrospective study of all histological confirmed head and neck tumors seen in University o f Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) from April 2000 to March 2010. The case notes of all pat ients diagnosed as having head and neck tumors were retrieved from medical records department. Dem ographic data, clinical features, sites of primary lesions and histopathological diagnosis were record ed. A total of 163 patients were recruited with confirmed histopathlogical diagnosis of primary hea d and neck tumors over the period of study. There were 104 (63.8%) males and 59 (36.2%) females with M: F ratio of 1.8:1. The age range was 24-80 years with a mean of 57.78 (SD ± 11.93) years. There was an increase of cases of primary head and neck tumors as well as the emergence of lymphomas. Squam ous cell carcinoma remains the commonest histopathological type of tumour. The Pattern of pr imary head and neck malignant tumors in Port Harcourt revealed a changing trend in the prevalenc e of primary head and neck tumors as well as the emergence of lymphomas.
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