Prevalence of non Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? infarcted ST segment elevat | 17875
International Research Journals

Prevalence of non Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? infarcted ST segment elevation in asymptomatic Nigerian adults


Adediran Olufemi Sola, Okpara Ihunanya Chinyere, Jimoh Ahmed Kayode

Acute myocardial infarction is a known cause of ST segment elevation. However, there are other causes of ST elevation other than acute myocardial infarction which may or may not be accompanied by chest pain. This study focuses on the prevalence of non – infarcted ST elevation in asymptomatic adult Nigerians and its relationship with high bloo d pressure, age, and gender. In a cross sectional community based study and by a stratified random sa mpling method, 229 subjects were selected for the study. Blood pressure was measured by standard protocol. A 12 lead resting electrocardiography was performed on all subjects. The prevalence of ST elevation in the subjects was 34.1%. All ST elevations were concave shaped and occurred in the praecordial leads with the highest frequency occurring in anterior leads V2- V4. There was no si gnificant difference in the frequency of ST elevati on in hypertensives and non hypertensives ( χ 2 = 0.33, p = 0.569). ST elevation was not significa ntly related to gender ( χ 2 = 2.362, p = 0.124); but was significantly related to young age ≤ 40years ( χ 2 = 6.039, p = 0.014). These features suggest benign early repolar isation. Benign early repolarisation is the commonest cause of ST segment elevation in asymptom atic adult Nigerians. It is a non infarcted cause of ST elevation. It has no significant relationship with high blood pressure or gender but is significantly related to young age.

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