Chetna Rahangdale*, Bhagyashree Deshpande and Bhawana Pandey
Medicinal plants have bioactive compounds which are used for curing of various human diseases. Medicinal plants have antibacterial activities. The present study involves two different medicinal plants Nyctanthes arbor-tristis and Curcuma caesia leaves locally available in Bhilai region of Chattisgarh, India. The main objective of the research work was to check the presence or absence of the phytochemical constituents in all the selected medicinal plants. The results of the phytochemical analysis of these medicinal plants showed that the terpenoids, phlobatannins, reducing sugar, flavonoids and alkaloids were found to be present in afore mentioned medicinal plants. Comparative study of bioactive compounds present in both plant extracts revealed their probable pharmaceutical use in the treatment of diseases in human being.
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