Pathogen of Fungi in Grassland | 100650
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Pathogen of Fungi in Grassland


Xi li*

Meadows are significant essential makers and capability as significant parts of significant watersheds. A physiognomic or structural approach cannot provide a concise definition of grasslands, but they can be described as vegetation communities that experience periodic droughts and have canopies dominated by grasses and grass like plants. Except for Antarctica, grasslands are found all over the world. Pathogenic and symbiotic interactions between fungi and grasses are possible. It is known that fungal pathogens, herbivorous mammals, other grassland animals, and insects all play important roles in preserving grasslands' biomass and biodiversity. Although the majority of pathogenicity studies on Poaceae members have focused on crops that are important to the economy, the plant fungal pathogenic interactions that are involved can apply to the entire range of natural ecological conditions. Delineating the fungal pathogen communities and their interactions in man made monoculture systems and extremely diverse natural ecosystems is therefore crucial. Combining studies of traditional phytopathology, taxonomy, and phylogeny with cutting edge methods like Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) can lead to a deeper comprehension of the major fungal players. The development of experimental designs that take into account the ecological complexity of the relationships between grasses and fungi, both above and below ground, is of the utmost importance. The loss of species diversity in grasslands increases interactions like mutualism, predation, and infectious disease transmission.

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